EVI Centre Manager

ProMo Cymru
Ebbw Vale, Blaenau Gwent
Starting Salary £37,000 pa. Scale D4. Annual increments apply rising up to £43,000
13 Nov 2024
25 Dec 2024
Contract type
Fixed Term

Are you passionate about community development and ready to make a real difference?

We're seeking a dynamic and experienced EVI Centre Manager to lead our vibrant community hub. As our Centre Manager, you'll be at the heart of our mission to create a welcoming, inclusive, and thriving space for everyone.

What you'll do:

  • Lead with Passion: Inspire our team and community members to reach new heights.
  • Manage with Efficiency: Oversee the day-to-day operations, ensuring a smooth-running centre.
  • Develop with Vision: Identify opportunities for growth and implement innovative programs.
  • Collaborate with Purpose: Build strong relationships with stakeholders, partners, and tenants.
  • Engage with Enthusiasm: Foster a sense of belonging through engaging events and activities.

What you'll need:

  • Passion: A true believer in the power of community and committed to making a positive impact.
  • Organized: A skilled multi-tasker who can juggle various responsibilities with ease.
  • Creative: A visionary who can think outside the box and develop innovative solutions.
  • Collaborative: A team player who can work effectively with diverse stakeholders.
  • Resilient: Adaptable to change and able to overcome challenges with a positive attitude.

What you’ll bring:

  • A deep-rooted passion for community development and cultural initiatives.
  • Proven experience in project management, team leadership, and financial management.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills, with the ability to build rapport with people from all walks of life.
  • A creative and innovative mindset, always seeking new opportunities to enhance the Centre’s offerings.
  • A self-starter attitude with the ability to prioritize tasks and work independently.

Join us in creating a brighter future for our community!

Email: people@promo.cymru  or 0736 634686

Closing Date: 30/11/2024

Ydych chi'n angerddol am ddatblygu cymunedol ac yn barod i wneud gwahaniaeth go iawn?

Rydym yn chwilio am Reolwr Canolfan EVI deinamig a phrofiadol i arwain ein hyb cymunedol bywiog. Fel Rheolwr y Ganolfan, byddwch wrth galon ein cenhadaeth i greu lle croesawgar, cynhwysol a ffyniannus i bawb.

Beth fyddwch chi'n ei wneud:

  • Arwain gyda Passion: Ysbrydoli ein tîm ac aelodau o'r gymuned i gyrraedd uchelfannau newydd.
  • Rheoli gydag Effeithlonrwydd: Goruchwylio'r gweithrediadau o ddydd i ddydd, gan sicrhau canolfan esmwyth.
  • Datblygu gyda Gweledigaeth: Nodi cyfleoedd ar gyfer twf a gweithredu rhaglenni arloesol.
  • Cydweithio â Phwrpas: Adeiladu perthnasoedd cryf gyda rhanddeiliaid, partneriaid a thenantiaid.
  • Ymgysylltu â Brwdfrydedd: Meithrin ymdeimlad o berthyn trwy ddigwyddiadau a gweithgareddau deniadol.

Beth fydd ei angen arnoch:

  • Angerdd: Gwir gredwr yng ngrym cymuned ac wedi ymrwymo i gael effaith gadarnhaol.
  • Trefnu: Aml-dasgwr medrus sy'n gallu jyglo cyfrifoldebau amrywiol yn rhwydd.
  • Creadigol: Gweledigaeth sy'n gallu meddwl y tu allan i'r bocs a datblygu atebion arloesol.
  • Cydweithredol: Chwaraewr tîm sy'n gallu gweithio'n effeithiol gyda rhanddeiliaid amrywiol.
  • Gwydn: Addasadwy i newid a gallu goresgyn heriau gydag agwedd gadarnhaol.

Beth fyddwch chi'n ei gynnig:

  • Angerdd dwfn dros ddatblygu cymunedol a mentrau diwylliannol.
  • Profiad profedig mewn rheoli prosiectau, arweinyddiaeth tîm, a rheolaeth ariannol.
  • Sgiliau rhyngbersonol a chyfathrebu cryf, gyda'r gallu i feithrin perthynas â phobl o bob cefndir.
  • Meddylfryd creadigol ac arloesol, bob amser yn chwilio am gyfleoedd newydd i wella offrymau'r Ganolfan.
  • Agwedd hunan-ddechreuol gyda'r gallu i flaenoriaethu tasgau a gweithio'n annibynnol.

Ymunwch â ni i greu dyfodol mwy disglair i'n cymuned!

Ebost: people@promo.cymru neu 0736 634686

Dyddiad Cau: 30/11/2024